Dana Michel (CA)
Mercurial George

4.–5. november 2016

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19.00, Lille scene

19.00, Lille scene

Dana Michel is a real original, peculiar to the ninth degree and remarkably compelling onstage.

…She scarcely dances; she scarcely speaks; her manner is oblique. (…) She was the one important discovery of the American Realness Festival. The New York Times

Michel reveals the absurdity of stereotypes as they coexist and contradict themselves, showing us that the lens through which we view the world is nothing more than a fun house mirror. Local Gestures.

“I only just got a bit of dirt under the nails with the last thing. Now wading through the hairy rubble of a preliminary anthropological dig. So much debris! I couldn’t have predicted how much debris there would be and how much work I had created for myself in waking this beast.” Dana Michel.

Den kritikerroste kanadiske koreografen Dana Michel tar sjanser mer enn hun danser. Hun har utviklet sitt eget kroppsspråk basert på spørsmål rundt sine egne røtter. Forestillingen Yellow Towel ble vist på Black Box teater under Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2014. Yellow Towel ble kåret til henholdsvis topp fem og topp ti beste danseøyeblikk i avisen Voir, Dance Current Magazine og Time Out New York.

Helaften med Dana Michel og Lisbeth Gruwez:

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