
18.–19. mars 2010

He’s at a loss for words. How does he describe something that hasn’t taken place? Or better yet, something that happened in a previous life. I can tell you that, through a series of circumstances, through no choice of his own, he discovered his identity in a past life. I can’t rightly explain how it unfolded, it wasn’t necessarily chronological, but I can say that it involved a cup of tea, a meeting with a well known dutch astrologer, and the most recent pieces fell into place in a small town inDevon, UK. This was the prelude to Markings.

Markings is a theatrical piece inspired by Dag Hammarskjöld, the second UN Secretary General, both a Christian Mystic and a respected Statesman. It is this connection, between the spiritual and the political, which interests him. You see, over the years, while involved within activist circles, he noticed an overabundance of people wanting to save the world, yet unable to sustain relationships with those closest to themselves. As if one can save the world without first helping oneself. Since reading Hammarskjöld’s biography and private journals, something more subtle surfaced; the strength which emerges from the connection between outer action and inner growth. Markings, sourced from his own biographical material along with Hammarskjold's writings, is a performance determined by the lay of the cards. Just as no two lives are ever the same, no two performances will be the same.

Norsk-amerikanske petter alexander goldstine debuterte på Black Box Teater høsten 2005 med «The bagshow», en serie med fem små performancer som ble vist for ti publikummere av gangen. Med «The American Dream» i 2006 fortsatte goldstine å arbeide i et lite, intimt og sosialt format hvor scenerommet ble flyttet inn i en leilighet. Nå er goldstine tilbake på scenen med et annen type intimitet.

Av og med: petter alexander goldstine. Rådgiver: Titus Muizelaar. A DasArts Final Project. Illustrasjon: petter alexander goldstine

Billetter Marstrandfestivalen

DAGSPASS kr. 250,-
Enkeltbillett Nature Theater Of Oklahoma kr. 210,-
Enkeltbillett til resterende forestillinger 170,-
Kjøpes på 815 33 133

FESTIVALPASS, alle dager kr. 1000,-
Kjøpes på teatret: 23 40 77 70

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