De Utvalgte
Kunsten å bli tam (2011)

6.–8. mars 2015

Past showings

18:00, Store scene

18:00, Store scene

18:00, Store scene

“Terrifying beautiful”. “De Utvalgte once again show that they have a distinctive voice and vision, they represent the important alternative theater.”- Andreas Wiese, Dagbladet.

“This is original performing arts at the highest level.” – Idalou Larsen, Klassekampen.

“K: It’s that you suddenly come to this kind of open space, where there are no trees. It’s just suddenly open. Then you go in there, and you forget everything. Then you go on to find a new open space, and then you find a new open space, and then you go on and on, and you do not think, and then you are… .. or you can pick flowers. This is true, I tell you. This can happen when you’re little. Suddenly a field of flowers opens up, and then there is the sun, and then you forget time. Then legs turn into roots, and then you will be a tree that sways in the wind. ”

When “Adam and Eve” were banished from the garden, they left also has their place in nature. Could it be that we have always longed to return, and that this longing reflects our basic sense of loneliness?

In our culture the ideal has been rationality and reason. The animal has been a symbol of the wild and evil that must be controlled and tamed, like the irrational forces in man that threaten our understanding of the world and ourselves.

On his way out of into the forest, Little Red Riding Hood is instructed to follow the right path, and not to fall for the temptation to go outside. She is driven out into the wild and ends up being eaten.

An important inspiration for “The Art of becoming tame” has been the term “hunter insensitivity”

In her book “The lonely monkey” (Bergljot Børresen, 1997) Børresen launches the theory of “hunter insensitivity.” She claims that it kicks in when the hunting instinct is in action, and that it applies to all who have animals on their menu. This instinct acts as a switch that turns off the empathy with the prey.

“No one has understood that when man considers himself most rational and unaffected by emotions, they are in reality excluded from large parts of reality, the strangely subdued and somewhat distant but intellectually effective mood that this instinct triggers, has become a kind of ideal”

“The Art of becoming tame” takes place in an expressive visual universe with free associations to the beautiful and the hideous, the longing for the wild, and the need to tame and to become tame.

In The Art of becoming tame, De Utvalgte for the first time use 3D video as a scenography. The actors move in and out of different landscapes in 3D.

De Utvalgte have worked with video for many years, and working with 3D images became a natural development in the attempt to integrate the actors and video in a whole onstage. De Utvalgte strive to create a living and changing scenography that interacts with the actor.

A Finnish study shows that we become more emotionally involved when we look at 3D images compared to two-dimensional sizes. Therefore, it has also been natural to try to develop this technology into theatrical imagery.

Boya Bøckman received the Hedda Award for best visual design 2012 Critics Award 2012 for best performance and the company received the Ædda award for contemporary relevant project, smaller stage in 2012.

  • Extra credits Supported by the Norwegian Cultural Council
  • Duration 60 minutter