Odin Teatret
Det kroniske liv

6.–8. november 2015

Past showings

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

Dedicated to Anna Politkovskaya and Natalia Estemirova. Russian writers and human rights activists, murdered by anonymous thugs in 2006 and 2009 for their opposition to the Chechnyan conflict.

CHARACTERS: a Black Madonna, the widow of a Basque officer, a Chechnyan refugee, a Rumanian housewife, a Danish lawyer, a rock musician from the Faroe Islands, a Colombian boy searching for his father disappeared in Europe, an Italian street violinist, two mercenaries.

The Chronic Life takes place in various European countries in 2031, after the Third Civil War. Groups and individuals converge, challenging each other over their diverging dreams, disappointments and hopes. A boy from Latin America arrives, seeking his father, who has inexplicably disappeared. “Stop searching for your father” people tell him while escorting him from door to door.

The boy is not saved by knowledge or innocence. Rather, a newfound ignorance leads him to his door. All this takes place to the bewilderment of all of us, who no longer believe the unbelievable: that a single victim’s life is beyond value, is worth more than God.

  • Duration 70 minutter