Eirik Blekesaune
Logos Pneuma (process viewing)

16. desember 2020 ▲ Avlyst

Past showings

17:00, Store scene

One might think of algorithms as something foreign and unfamiliar that controls our thoughts and is about to colonize our reality. What kind of threat do the algorithms pose if we let them loose in the theater? Are we left with an artificial form of theater, or will they reveal the theater as something artificial – something that only resembles theater?

The process viewing of Logos Pneuma offers an early glimpse into Eirik Blekesaune’s first production – under his own name – where he works with stage, text and theater as artificial forms. His artistic practice is based on development and experimentation with digital technology, coding and algorithms. The work of Logos Pneuma combines algorithmic thinking, ethics and morality with the inherent potential of theater.

Eirik Blekesaune is working multidisciplinary within the fields of performing arts, sound art and electromechanical installation. He is especially interested in the overlapping fields between artistic and technological development, with particular emphasis on the computer programming tradition towards aesthetic and humanistic thinking. He has a background from the artist group Verdensteatret and has visited Black Box teater a number of times through their productions.

Fall Program 2020
  • Duration 45 minutter