Susie Wang

11.–13. november 2021

Past showings

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

14:00, Store scene

Doom wrapped in a sunny summer day.

Over the past four years, theater company Susie Wang has presented three critically acclaimed performances that altogether make up a horror trilogy about the human nature: The Hum (2017), Mummy Brown (2018) and Burnt Toast (2020). This fall, we are presenting the entire trilogy at Black Box teater.

The Hum is the first performance in Susie Wang's trilogy about human nature.

It is obviously great to be human, but it’s not like we aren’t part of nature simply because we are conscious beings. Culture is mistaken when it tries to escape from nature. And the faster we run, the harder the crash when we meet. What we left behind as the Garden of Eden now comes at us like a living hell. Perhaps it’s best to play dead. Susie Wang plays dead and alive, as naturally as we can.

Sabine and Barni have signed up for a snorkeling course, but soon discover that they have come to the wrong beach.

– Damn it, Sabine thinks.
– What do we do now, says Barni.

We find ourselves at the outskirts of the contemporary, a demented, forever young state of being where the past is forgotten and the future is horrifying. Without memory and full of lust we let nurture jerk off nature, the way nature likes it the best: primitively. We keep on coming, but have nowhere to go.

Critically acclaimed theater company Susie Wang was founded in 2017 by Trine Falch, Martin Langlie, Mona Solhaug and Bo Krister Wallström. After years in a performance-oriented theater field, they have taken a dramatic turn and now make theatre based in fiction.

Language: Norwegian, Swedish, German.

Recommended age limit: 16 years.

  • Duration 85 minutter