We find ourselves on the outskirts of the contemporary – in a state of demented agelessness where the past is forgotten and the future is frightening. With no memory and full of desire, we let nurture jerk nature off the way nature likes it the best: primitive. We keep coming but have nowhere to go.
Susie Wang has quickly become one of Norway’s most prominent theater companies. They come from a performance-based part of theater – two of them as members of the artist collective Baktruppen who were (in)famous for ravaging theater conventions and traditions. Now, their work has taken a dramatic turn and Susie Wang makes representational theater with great diligence. Or as they say themselves: “Susie Wang grew up with a shattered worldview. Tired of reflecting the world in fragments, we have started to pick up the pieces and put them together as theatrical storylines”.
“In this theatrical fantasy, the audience become augurs, whose imaginations conceal the real abysses, the true black holes. (…) The art here is in the fears of the beholder.” – Die Welt about Mumiebrun
The performance will be in English.
NB! This is body horror for adults. The story contains elements that some might find scary.
In this theatrical fantasy, the audience become augurs, whose imaginations conceal the real abysses, the true black holes. (…) The art here is in the fears of the beholder.