Runa Borch Skolseg
This is my collection of sincere a$$$$ong$

11. september 2015

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19.00, Lille scene

“This is my collection of sincere a$$$$ong$” is a conceptual hip hop album I made after a trip I had to Beirut,

it was not a very good tour. I lost my baggage and faith and got food poisoning and cried in front of Judith Butler.

In this work I have been inspired by Eminem, Unica Zürn, Drake, Rihanna, Jean Luc Nancy, Clarice Lispector, Bjørn Rasmussen, Silvana Imam, Sara Ahmed and Lorentz&Sakarias.

“This is my collection of sincere a$$$$$ongs” er skrevet av Runa Borch Skolseg.