Varamo Press

Varamo Press embraces the unexpected and values the arbitrary circumstances in which writing comes into being. Snatching, wording, printing, it gives a paper form to various kinds of literature that have a fleeting life elsewhere.

Varamo Press is a publishing house founded in 2018 by Mette Edvardsen and Jeroen Peeters. It takes inspiration from César Aira’s character Varamo, a clerk whose chance encounter with a trio of publishers in a bar inspires an unlikely collaboration that yields a masterpiece of experimental literature. ‘The time had come to reap the benefits of his inveterate, impractical habit of holding on to every piece of paper that came into his possession. He need only copy his notes out, string them together somehow, and allow them to form a book.’ Each book having its own mind and gravity, Varamo Press develops publications on a case-by-case basis with the care they require.
The income from book sales is invested in future publication projects.