31. august–4. september 2011

In “ZOO” two actors and a musician investigate if it is really possible to meet another human being.

To accommodate such meetings they endeavour in “ZOO” to create a structure that will produce great deviations and errors, as the spontaneous often arises from mistakes, and it heightens the audience’s interest in what is going on. They are invited to meet the people on stage through the incomplete and ever-changing.

Ring the bells that still can ring / Forget your perfect offering / There is a crack, a crack in everything / That's how the light gets in

- Cohen

Jonas Corell Petersen graduated from Teaterhøgskolen in Oslo in 2010. His graduation production Unge Werthers Lidingar at Det Norske Teatret won the Fast Forward-award for young directors, and played in Nottingham at the NEAT11 festival.

Jonas staged Horvaths Tro håp og kjærlighet at Trøndelag Teater the spring of 2011. He has collaborated with Nia Damerell and Gaute Tønder on both of these productions.

Director: Jonas Corell Petersen. Scenographer: Nia Damerell. Musician/composer: Gaute Johan Tønder. Actors: Joachim Daniel Rafaelsen, Kyrre Hellum, Martin Lotherington, Jo Adrian Haavind and Espen Alknes. Light design: Tilo Hahn. Supported by: Fond for lyd og bilde, Norsk Kulturråd og FFUK. Co-production: Black Box Teater

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