Mirte Bogaert

22.–23. september 2023

Past showings

17:00, Lille scene

17:00, Lille scene

REtransLATE is a performance about communication and (mis)interpretation. The point of departure for the creation was to translate the different aspects of communication beyond words between the performers, starting with personal stories.

One could wonder if in the end there is meaning in understanding what is said or if meaning is to be found in the spaces between what is said, which one might never be able to understand. One listens and perceives. In the transfer of messages and stories from one person to another, one is never sure where the loss occurs on the one hand or where other dimensions of meaning tend to add up. One would assume that any occurrence of a particular message gets transformed by our body, as much as this personal story is enhanced by a broader historical and cultural picture.

In REtransLATE, the performers question the procedures of listening, interpretation and extraction in communicative situations – leaving the audience with the core of the matter: translating that transition.

Mirte Bogaert is a Belgian dance artist with a background from the School for New Dance in Oslo and P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. Bogaert develops performing arts projects where she employs different strategies to integrate body, movement, sound, light and text with each other. She is interested in the relation between language and body as well as translation as a source for developing new understandings through misunderstanding.

In collaboration with Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival .

  • Extra credits Thanks: Guy Cools, Deva Schubert, Julia Müllner, Liv Basberg, Lisa Nøttseter, Kristina Melbø Valvik, Nicola Gunn, Eva Pfitzenmaier, Lucius Romeo Fromm, Ingrid Berger Myhre, Lorenzo De Angelis, Caroline Eckly, Karlien Vanhoonacker, Aki Iwamoto, Karen Joosten, Andrea Spreafico, Anne B Pedersen.