Pluss Pluss

30. august–6. desember 2011

Plus plus is an art concept in the foyer of Black Box Teater, established spring 2011. After three successful nights showing art from a variety of disciplines, we'd like to invite you back for four more nights this autumn.

The program will consist of both invited artists and artists selected from applications.

Plus plus means nothing less than Black Box Teater plus plus, -an extension of the field of performing arts that the house already consists of.

Plus plus is a meeting point where audience and artists can be inspired by each other.


Foyer August 30th, September 28th, October 25th and December 6th at 7pm

Plus plus is curated by Hedda Abildsnes (Black Box Teater), Signe Becker (scenographer) and Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim (visual artist).