«JDX – a public enemy» is the tale of one man standing against a social and political majority. A physician discovers that the water in the new thermal baths is heavily polluted. His brother, the city mayor, refuses to take steps because of the possible major financial consequences.
In the end the doctor is branded a ‘public enemy’ by the people who feel threatened in their prosperity. The part played by the media and the pitfalls of democracy are exposed at length. In true agitprop style the play points the finger at the total lack of sincerity of a democracy, the trickery, lies and intimidation, the deception of the people and their intolerance.
Two keywords characterise Tg STAN: ”actor-oriented” and ”undogmatic”. The undogmatic aspect is reflected in the name – S(top) T(hinking) A(bout) N(ames) – as well as in the repertoire. This is a hybrid collection of texts, invariably expressing social criticism, in which Cocteau and Anouilh stand side by side with Chekhov, Bernhard next to Ibsen, and comedies by Wilde or Shaw next to essays by Diderot. For STAN the actor is the keystone. The actors’ pleasure in their work makes the sparks fly, while communicating forceful social or even political statements without ever moralising.