Welcome to the Spring season 2021!

- Photo Jakob Oredsson
Welcome to the Spring season 2021 at Black Box teater!
16 & 30 January + 6 & 13 February
Marie Bergby Handeland
Kirkedanseren (The Church Dancer)
28–30 January
Ludvig Uhlbors
SPOR (premiere)
17–20 + 23–27 February
Verk Produksjoner
Opening Night (premiere)
11–21 March
Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival
– 11 days of Live Art experiences
March (TBC)
Roza Moshtaghi
LIMBO (premiere)
9–11 April
Bente Alice Westgård
Eruptive Stars (premiere)
27–30 April
Henriette Pedersen / Nartmanstiftelsen (the Nartman Foundation)
MADAM (premiere)
Pluss Pluss, curated by Kristian Grennes
Pluss Pluss, curated by Maritea Dæhlin
12–13 May
Ingrid Berger Myhre
In Other Words (premiere)
27–29 May
Eirik Blekesaune
Logos Pneuma (premiere)
Dates TBC
Solvang & Roel
UTOPIA (premiere)*
Tree Talks
New production (premiere)
+ conversations, seminars and workshops (our topical program series Open up!)
*in collaboration with Nationaltheatret
More performances will be announced!
Changes to the program may occur.